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This website may contain general information relating to various medical conditions and their treatment. Such information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for advice provided by a physician or other qualified healthcare professional.

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This Website contains forwardlooking statements and information about the future developments in the sector, and legal and business conditions of Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH. Such forwardlooking statements are uncertain and are subject to change at all times particularly to the usual risks faced by a global pharmaceutical company, including the impact of the prices for products and raw materials, medication safety, changes in exchange rates, government regulations, employee relations, taxes, political instability and terrorism as well as the result of independent demand and governmental inquiries that affect the affairs of the company. All forwardlooking statements contained on this Website hold true as of the date of publication. They do not represent any guarantee of future performance. Actual events and developments could differ materially from the forwardlooking statements that are explicitly expressed or implied in these statements. Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH assumes no responsibility for updating such forwardlooking statements about the future developments of the sector, legal and business conditions, and the company.

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